How push VS code to Github

How push VS code to Github

I learned today how to push my html code to Github

1.Install Git: First, ensure that Git is installed on your computer.

2.Set Up GitHub: If you haven't already, create a GitHub account.

3.Initialize Git Repository: In your VSCode, open the folder containing your project.

4.In vscode left side--> accounts ->sign in--> choose github and it will open browser and github login screen , enter username,password--> login-->authorize-->it will redirect to vscode.

5. Then, open the integrated terminal by selecting Terminal > New Terminal from the menu, or by using the shortcut Ctrl + `. In the terminal, run the following command to initialize a Git repository:

\>>>git init - it will initiate git into your folder

\>>>git add . -- it will add all the files into git

\>>>git commit -m "update" - it will commit your git and added a message update

First time I get errors this two

git config --global""

git config --global"Your Name"

To over come this errors

git config --global"your email id" git config --global"username"

Enter your github email and user_name of github account

\>>>git remote add origin "link"

\>link you get in GitHub repository copy and paste it

Push Changes to GitHub: Finally, push your committed changes to GitHub

\>>>git push -u origin master

Github Profile: